Open call: residency i Jordan

Open call: residency i Jordan

ASSITEJ Danmark arrangerer sammen med MedeArts et udvekslingsprogram, hvis hovedaktivitet er et 10 dages residency i Jordan sammen med danske, jordanske, libanesiske og palæstinensiske kunstnere.

MedeArts and ASSITEJ Denmark are calling for participants to this exchange programme in the field of performing arts for children and young people.

The intention with the programme is to create a space for exchange between artist in Jordan, Denmark, Lebanon and Palestine, with a special attention on theatre for young audiences and the artistic approach of the creation of small-scale tourable productions.


The exchange will include of a 10-day residency in Irbid, Jordan and two preparational meetings online. It is also the intention that the participants will visit Aprilfestival 2022 in Denmark, but this is still to be financed and confirmed.

The residency will mainly consist of a workshop where the participants are asked to create small artistic pieces/scenes created in short time. These pieces will be brought together and presented as a work in progress at the end of the residency.

The workshop will be facilitated by the Danish Stage director, Solveig Weinkouff.

There will be 10-12 participants (5 from Jordan, 4 from Denmark and 1 from Lebanon and 1 from Palestine.


Online meetings: September 2021:

Residency in Irbid, Jordan: 1 – 10 October 2021

Aprilfestival in Denmark (to be confirmed): 27 March – 3 April 2022

Economic conditions

Flight tickets to Jordan, accommodation, meals and airport pick-up will be covered by the organizers. The budget does not allow for payment of fees or salaries to the artist.

Who can participate?

Artist creating theatre and performing arts for young audiences or with the wish to do so in the future can apply. You can be an actor, dancer, playwright, stage director, musician, set designer or be working with the performing arts in other ways.

The programme is for artist resident in Denmark, Jordan Lebanon and Palestine.

Artist from Denmark should either currently be a members of ASSITEJ Denmark or register to become a member.

How to apply?

You apply on the website of MedeArts.

Deadline for the application is 28 June 2021.


MedeArts has several times visited the Danish Aprilfestival and found the artistic approach to young audiences inspiring. With this project MedeArts hope to inspire artists in Jordan and the MENA countries to produce performing arts for children outside the larger venues and theatre houses.

ASSITEJ Denmark sees this project as a way to learn about the way that MedeArts engage with teenagers and young adults and is successful in creating “cultural activism”.

Both organizers see the programme as an opportunity to reestablish international artistic exchange outside the digital space after 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.  


The exchange is funded by DROSOS FOUNDATION, MedeArts and ASSITEJ Denmark.


Participants from Jordan and MENA countries:

Safi Sakran (MedeArts):

Danish participants:

Louis Valente: E-mail:

Telephone: +45 4274 7707