
Velkommen til tre nye medlemmer af ASSITEJ Danmarks bestyrelse

Velkommen til tre nye medlemmer af ASSITEJ’s bestyrelse! Vika Dahlberg, Naja Birke og Laura Madsen. De blev valgt ind i går på vores generalforsamling, der fandt sted i de unikke og transcenderende omgivelser hos Sisters Hope Home.

ASSITEJ Danmark står i en spændende tid med store projekter og internationalt momentum. Et momentum der nu skal ledes af denne gruppe engagerede og dygtige mennesker:

Marion Vick (Teater Apropos)

Mary Tesfay (C:NTACT)

Naghmeh Mahmoudi Kashani (Oxfam IBIS)

Dirck Backer (Teater Patrasket)

Solveig Weinkouff (Teater Baglandet)

Anne Nøjgaard (Teatret Lampe)

Christian Schrøder (Theatre Madam Bach)

Niels Vendius (Freelance skuespiller)

Naja Birke (Teatercentrum)

Vika Dahlberg (Teater Tix)

Laura Madsen (freelance dramatiker & Instruktør)

Udskydelse af ASSITEJ gathering 2023

Grundet komplekse lokale og globale finansielle og geopolitiske omstændigheder, må vi desværre, på vegne af ASSITEJ Serbien and ASSITEJ International videredele informationen om, at ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering, der var planlagt til May 2023 er blevet udskudt.

De nye datoer for denne vigtige ASSITEJ begivenhed bliver 20. – 24. november 2023, og starter med den internationale fejring af Børnenes Dag.

ASSITEJ Serbien og ASSITEJ International er opmærksomme på de implikationer, denne ændring har for medlemmerne, men efter mange overvejelser, er denne udskydelse desværre den eneste mulighed for at afholde eventet.

At eventet placeres så tæt på ASSTEJ Verdenskongres i Cuba i Maj 2024 vil blive udnyttet som en mulighed for at udvise støtte og opbakning til vores kolleger både for delegerede og værterne for begge events.

Detaljeret information og annoncering af programmet samt open call til deltagelse offentliggøres senere på året. Spred gerne informationen til relevante netværk.

ASSITEJ Serbia & ASSITEJ International

Offentliggørelsen er også at finde på engelsk på ASSTEJ Internationals hjemmeside.

Datoerne for den 21. ASSITEJ verdenskongres i Havanna, Cuba forbliver de samme – nemlig 24. maj til 1. juni 2024.

Fremtidens Mangfoldige Scenekunst

Thank you for a great seminar on diversity at Horsens Teaterfestival. We really think we moved the conversation forward in a Danish context with very qualified input from our speakers and good conversations with all participants. What is needed now is to put action behind the words! Assitej Denmark & Horsens Teaterfestival promise to work on this. If you wish to join us please reach out to us. We can only do this together!

The speakers (Image) were Mary Tesfay, Nanna Bøndergaard Butters, Wahid Sui, Shavanna Calder, Mirrianne Mahn, Jon Werede Hope and Shwan Wahed. Wonderfully moderated by Karen Vedel

Image: “Word Cloud” created by the participants.

ASSITEJ Danmark modtager støtte fra Statens Kunstfond

ASSITEJ Danmark vil gerne sige tak til Statens Kunstfond for at støtte tre af vores projekter. Det drejer sig om støtte til at invitere internationale gæster til den næste Aprilfestival. Midler til at sende danske teaterfolk til Krokusfestival i Belgien. Og sidste men ikke mindst en tænketank, der skal arbejde med, hvordan nogle af de vante positioner frisættes, og flere danske scenekunstnere og institutioner kan inviteres til at kigge ud over landets grænser. Herunder hvordan vi drager nytte af det internationale momentum ASSITEJ International har fået med den nylig støtte fra Creative Europe. Mere om sidstnævnte kan læses her.

Knowledge exchange program with les labo des cultures assitej France

Open Call: Knowledge exchange med le labo des cultures i Frankrig

Open Call: Knowledge exchange med le labo des cultures i Frankrig

Within its experimental cycle dedicated to youth, le labo des cultures seeks to draw up an inventory of artistic, cultural and public structures supporting projects allowing teenagers to take a significant part in their missions and spaces, to become active in their own cultural journey. A survey on the French territory led by the organization enabled to identify many initiatives where French teenagers were able to use resources provided by these cultural structures, to express and accomplish their ideas. These encounters led le labo des cultures to create in 2020 the National Network of Youth Committees to connect professionals in charge of these youth committees and exchange on their experiences, and search for good practices to build long lasting projects.

With the support of Scènes d’Enfance ASSITEJ France, the organisation wishes to open its survey to international projects, to discover the plurality of ways to incorporate youth to the everyday life of a cultural structure. This is why the organization is keen to get in touch with structures around the globe to collect and highlight the work of professionals, volunteers and teenagers. These projects can take many forms such as artistic creation, co-programming, shared governance, or content creation to highlight the structures’ actions, etc. Whether you are a theatre, a state related structure, an organization or an artistic company, le labo des cultures is really keen to exchange with you and the teenagers you are guiding.

Send an email to contact@lelabodescultures.com to be a part of these exciting researches.

le labo des cultures in a few words:

The organization le labo des cultures is founded in 2019, carried by a group of people reunited around the drive to facilitate the interactions between arts and people, to renew classical approaches and traditional medium for art awareness and to serve intercultural relations.
Place of experimentation for new practices, ideas laboratory, this project aspires to invent new methodologies for art awareness, more sensory and immersive, and design innovative tools. le labo des cultures defends ludic methods, based on investigation, popular education and cultural rights.

Find them on theirsocial networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
and on their website lelabodescultures.com



📅 Fredag, 26/8

⌚kl. 17.45-18.45

Med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond og Creative Europe skal ASSITEJ med sekretariat i Danmark udvikle scenekunstbranchen i Europa og styrke grundlaget for, at stadig flere børn og unge har adgang til kultur.
Hvordan sikrer vi, at det nye netværk skaber udvikling og nye muligheder blandt de danske scenekunstaktører?
ASSITEJ byder sammen med et stærk panel ind til en snak om at være international både inden for og uden for Danmark.

Moderator: Dorthe Bébe, teaterleder Team Teatret

Panel: Ditte Felding, teaterleder Teaterhuset Filuren / Louis Valente, generalsekretær ASSITEJ DANMARK & ASSITEJ International / Marion Vick, teaterleder Teater Apropos / Saxe Lomholt, EU-udviklingskonsulent Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen & Head of Creative Europe Desk Danmark

Foto: Peter Leth

Open call: Performing Arts Residency in Oslo

Open Call: ASSITEJ NORWAY’s Residency for Nordic-Baltic Performing Artists working with Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) taking place in Oslo from November 28th – December 4th, 2022.

Application deadline: September 15th.

This residency is organized by Assitej Norway and is open to any professional performing artist working with theatre or dance for young audiences (TYA) from any of the 8 Nordic-Baltic countries. We are looking for performing artists from the Nordic-Baltic region to participate in this week-long residency exploring the topic of Solitude. We wish to explore this topic on an individual, collective, and societal level. We also want to explore solitude in a personal and artistic sense. This residency aims to create a space for exploration and exchange of cultural expressions, methods of working for young audiences and for learning more about each other in our Nordic-Baltic region. During the residency we will explore the topic through workshops, viewing performances and other events, talks and creative spaces.

Assitej Norway will cover travel, accommodation, meals and an artist’s fee of 10 500 NOK for the week.
More information and application form: assitej.no/opp-og-ut

Ukendt Land – Fremtidens mangfoldige scenekunst for børn og unge

Ukendt Land – Fremtidens mangfoldige scenekunst for børn og unge

I år fylder dansk teater 300 år, og landet over er teatre, festivaler og forskellige kulturinstitutioner med til at fejre denne anledning. Med afsæt i fejringen af 300-året sætter Horsens Teaterfestival og ASSITEJ Danmark fokus på fremtidens scenekunst for børn og unge med en tænketank om mangfoldighed.

Flere forskellige stemmer og fortællinger på scenen er både vigtigt for at skabe relevant, nutidig og spændende kunst, og for at børn og unge i al deres mangfoldighed møder temaer og former, hvor de kan genkende sig selv.

Med opmærksomhed på at begrebet diversitet kan omhandle mange faktorer såsom køn, seksualitet, fysisk og psykisk funktionsvariationer, socioøkonomiske forhold m.m., fokuserer vi i dette forum på en bredere minoritetsetnisk repræsentation i vores debat om en mere repræsentativ og flerstemmig scenekunst.

Vi har inviteret en række internationale sparringspartnere med mange års faglig indsigt i emnet til sammen med danske fagfolk at deltage i et seminar om mangfoldighed og repræsentation.

Tænketanken henvender sig til fagpersoner inden for scenekunst eller fra andre institutioner, der gerne vil arbejde med diversitet, inklusion og repræsentation.

Følgende gæster deltager i panelet:

Mirrianne Mahn er politisk aktivist og scenekunstner samt diversitetskonsulent ved Tysklands børne- og ungdomsteatercentrum KJTZ. Hun sidder desuden i byrådet i Frankfurt am Main som ordfører for diversitetsudvikling.

Jon Werede er instruktør og koreograf samt daglig leder af det norske børne- og ungdomsteater ”Den Mangfoldige Scenen”, der arbejder for at bidrage til mere kunstnerisk og kulturel mangfoldighed i norsk scenekunst.

Shwan Wahed er musiker, kunstner og pædagog og har i flere år arbejdet med kulturtilbud på transit- og asylmodtagelsescentre i Norge. Han arbejder nu som instruktør på ”Den Mangfoldige Scenen”.   

Shavanna Calder er skuespiller og grundlægger af konsulentorganisationen Arts in Color. Hun har arbejdet som diversitetskonsulent for adskillige institutioner bl.a. TYA Theatre for Young Audiences, Musical Theatre Educators Alliance og Innovative Voice Studio. Hendes arbejde som skuespiller inkluderer bl.a. HBO’s Los Espookys, SNL, Grammys, Hairspray.

Wahid Sui er skuespiller og dramatiker uddannet fra Den Danske Scenekunstskole i Århus. Han debuterede i 2010 på Det Kgl. Teater i komedieforestillingen »Præmie Perkeren« og har siden medvirket i en række teaterforestillinger samt flere danske Tv-serier.

Nanna Bøndergaard Butters er teaterpædagog og konsulent og arbejder med kunstnerisk baseret forskning og projektledelse. Hun har bl.a. lavet undersøgelser om mangfoldighed i dansk børne- og ungdomsteater samt interkulturelle undervisningsformer.

Mary Tesfay er uddannet pædagogisk antropolog med pædagogbaggrund, projektleder i C:NTACT og bestyrelsesmedlem i ASSITEJ Danmark. Hun har arbejdet med mangfoldighed og repræsentation i mange år indenfor bl.a. teater for unge og gennem sin tidligere blog Brun&Dansk.  

Moderator Karen Vedel er lektor ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab på Københavns Universitet og har fungeret som moderator ved flere seminarer, debatter og konferencer inden for scenekunstbranchen.

Tænketanken er et samarbejde mellem Horsens Teaterfestival, Assitej og Dansk Teater 300 år. Projektgruppen består af Adelaide Bentzon, Louis Valente, Naghmeh Mahmoudi Kashani, Mary Tesfay, Gertrud Exner og Janicke Branth.

Tænketanken er støttet af Bikubenfonden.

Pris: 230 kr. inkl. en sandwich til frokost og kaffe/te og eftermiddagskage
Tilmelding er nødvendig: Klik HER 

Open Call: DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange

DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange

– Open Call

DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange, known globally also as the “International Directors’ Seminar”, takes place every other year. It addresses directors as independent artists in the field of TYA and it is open to all genres and forms of performing arts for young audiences.

DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange wishes to address directors who have recently given new impulses and set new standards.

Ein Bild, das Text enthält.

Automatisch generierte BeschreibungIn 2023 DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange will take place from June 18-25th 2023 at Hessisches Landestheater Marburg (HLTM) www.hltm.de.

In 2023 the idea of hope and the way we actively construct our approach to the world around us will be the starting point of our work. It is inspired by the motto the host theatre has chosen for their season 2022/2023:


We use hope as a strategy to give us the courage we need to encounter the present and the potential futures we see. We decide to hope. We construct an idea of hope as a possibility, as an experiment, as an acknowledgment of not-knowing. We use hope as a basis for optimism, as an impetus for a better future. We need hope to deal with disappointments, doubts and failures on the way. While we construct a world around us we see a multitude of possibilities. The process is also an attempt of creating order. We wish, design and calculate and – again – we hope for the things we dream of to be or become real.

Children are true enthusiasts when it comes to constructing and building things. They concentrate hard and they compete with others in their ambitions to build higher, better or differently. They also accept failure and the necessity for a new start. In TYA, our perspectives and the children’s perspective meet in art.

We invite directors to reflect on the way we construct different worlds on stage and how the idea of hope moves us and our audiences forward.

About 25 directors from all over the world will come to Marburg. We will welcome all participants to bring their ideas and experience. We will enter into an exchange on how hope inspires our TYA practice. We will work in small groups that provide enough space and time to work practically and from different perspectives. Theatre performances by the host theatre and other companies in Marburg as well as leisure activities will complete the week’s schedule. We are looking forward to an inspiring exchange!

If you wish to find out more about colleagues from your country who have already participated in this exchange or find out more about participants of the past, you will find a list of all participants here.

The working language of the seminar is English.

ASSITEJ Germany and HLTM will bear the costs for accommodation, catering, theatre tickets and leisure activities for all participants. In general, we will assume that travel costs will be paid either by the participants themselves or by their respective national centre of ASSITEJ. Nonetheless we are willing to give support as far as we are able to do.


Interested directors residing in Denmark apply by sending a short CV and a letter of motivation  (1 page, reflecting on the topic CONSTRUCTION HOPE). Please send it to Louis Valente from ASSITEJ Denmark: lv@assitej.dk

Deadline 15 September 2022

Project Producer & Co-ordinator: Job Opportunity in ASSITEJ

Project Producer & Co-ordinator: Job Opportunity in ASSITEJ

ASSITEJ International has been awarded a major grant from the European Union for our three-year project, Theatre & Performing Arts for Young Audiences: Building Collective Resilience. This grant recognises the importance of the performing arts in the lives of children & young people and the work ASSITEJ does in connecting and unifying practitioners all over the world.

In order to implement this project, ASSITEJ International is recruiting a Project Producer & Co-ordinator. Reporting to the Secretary General & Projects Director, the Project Producer & Co-ordinator is a key member of the ASSITEJ International team, working with fellow staff members and the Executive Committee to support, coordinate, communicate, and deliver the work packages that relate to this role, in collaboration and coordination with the whole team. This is a busy role, providing essential support to our growing Secretariat activities in addition to supporting the launch of innovative new projects and collaborations with artistic and cultural partners.

The role offers a stimulating mixture of planning, coordination and hands-on “doing”, and offers excellent opportunities for arts producing and non-profit programme management. It combines a mixture of people-facing engagement work, administrative planning and support, and creative communication approaches. The role requires someone sociable and compassionate, a practical problem-solver, able to engage with ASSITEJ International’s broad membership in a caring and inclusive manner. You must be organised, have excellent communication skills, and feel comfortable handling many projects, deadlines, and collaborators at a time.

The position is based in Copenhagen and the main working language will be English. The role is initially available on 60% FTE (full-time equivalent) basis on a fixed-term contract for 12 months with a probationary period of 3 months – and holds the possibility for extension of contract period and work hours. Flexible working (both time and geographic location) is possible and can be negotiated. Salary information available upon request. The employment may be made through ASSITEJ Denmark. Start of employment is August/September 2022.

Applications should be received no later than 11 July 2022.