Invitation til Nordisk-Baltisk samtale om scenekunst i coronatider
Mød dine nordiske og baltiske kolleger på Zoom og hør Teater Apropos (Danmark) og PERFOracija (Letland) fortælle om deres projekter.
Onsdag d. 17. juni kl. 10:00 – 12:00 (dansk tid)
How do we make performing arts for children and youth in Corona-times?
How do we as performing arts practitioner´s approach and reflect the times we are going through?
A discussion with Nordic and Baltic colleagues about content and format in performing arts for children and youth.
Marion Vick, Teater Apropos, Denmark
CoronaDiaries – Young in 2020
How do young people experience this period, which by the media is named the largest world crisis since World War II? How does it affect their hopes and dreams? When Denmark was under lockdown during the Corona pandemic, Theater Apropos chose to collect diaries from young people. Now they want to turn the diaries into art.
Theatre Apropos will tell about the artistic project and share examples of what the young people wrote in their diaries.
Pamela Butane, PERFOracija, Latvia
A new form of theatre
PERFOracija is an independent theatre company that was created in collaboration between Beatrise Zaķe and Pamela Butane. Pamela Butane is a director and stage designer and will be talking about a virtual performance created during isolation. The main goal was to create a new form of theatre to reach children at their home, talk to them, educated them and inspire them.
Tanja Turpeinen, ASSITEJ Finland & Niclas Malmcrona, ASSITEJ Sweden
Language: English
Wednesday, June 17th, 10:00-12:00 (Scandinavia), 11:00-13:00 (Baltic, Finland), 08:00-10:00 (Iceland).