Farvel til Michael Ramløse

Farvel til Michael Ramløse

Mange af ASSITEJ’s medlemmer er blevet berørt af Michael Ramløses død. Over at have mistet dette særlige teatermenneskes tilstedeværelse iblandt os.

Mange har delt deres minder om Michael I de seneste dage, og vi har ladet tankerne løbe igennem de mange aftryk, han har sat på vores miljø.

Et af disse aftryk, er internationaliseringen af teater i Danmark for børn og unge. Det var Michael, der åbnede døren til verden, da han som generalsekretær for ASSITEJ International (1990-1996) begyndte at invitere udenlandske gæster til den store børneteaterfestival.
Uden dette initiativ ville vi ikke være, hvor vi er i dag med mange internationale turnéer, en mangfoldighed af internationale gæster og projekter på tværs af grænser.

Hans død har skabt rystelser uden for landet. Især i Rusland, som han, gennem sit kendskab til landet og sin mestring af det russiske sprog, var særligt forbundet til.

ASSITEJ Danmark deler to kondolencer, vi netop har modtaget fra ASSITEJ Rusland.

Dear Danish friends!

We have received the news that Michael Ramløse, a memorable man, has passed away.

This is a great loss not only for you, but also for everyone who remembers how much Ramløse, being the secretary of our international organization, did to strengthen its authority and its successful functioning. Largely thanks to his talent and skills, the ASSITEJ, created under the initiative of theatre makers of France and Russia, has become a truly global organization, embracing many countries from all the continents.

Michael dedicated his talent and skills to unite those who are difficult to integrate collectively – artists of different creative manners and aspirations. One cannot leave unmentioned, although I would like to find words less formal and more warm, his charm, extensive knowledge, him as a playwright and composer, his rejection of conservative – traditional theatres, and how we laughed and argued at night until we were hoarse, the joint trips and, in short, how he lived, dreamed, worked, made mistakes and won.

Michael – Misha – Mike- Michel- Mihas passed away, but he did not leave us.
Now we have to preserve his image for future generations.
And these days here in Russia, we share with you, our dear Danish colleagues, sadness and sorrow!

Adolf Shapiro
President of the Russian Center of ASSITEJ

Dear friends and colleagues!
The cold winter brought sad news to us – Michael Ramløse, a Danish director, playwright, composer, whose whole life was dedicated to the theater for young audiences, has left us.

He appeared on a horizon a long time ago, at the end of the last century, when three countries – Denmark, Sweden and Norway took over the financial and organizational management of the ASSITEJ Secretariat and offered Michael to lead it. Soon the General Assembly approved his candidacy as the Secretary General of the ASSITEJ. He served two terms in this post (1990 – 1996).

He differed from other ASSITEJ colleagues because he spoke Russian very well. He had no Russian roots, but he just loved Russian language and Russian culture and therefore, learned our language.

As the Secretary General of ASSITEJ he resolved difficult situations in a diplomatic way. He helped us a lot in developing international connections.
Michael often visited our country, he made many friends, and our theatre colleagues willingly – without feeling a language barrier – communicated with him! He visited our TYA festivals in Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, and in Moscow.

Michael was an intelligent, talented, calm, reserved, and modest man.
We loved him very much, and for us he was just «Misha».

We will always remember him.
Galina Kolosova
ASSITEJ Honorary Member

ASSITEJ Verdenskongres i Rostov-on-Don, Rusland i 1996. Man kan skimte Michael i midten ved siden af Maurice Yendt, Michael FitzGerald, Judith Benedek, Marjorie McLean & Harold Oaks.


Michael Ramløse bisættes fra Margrethe Kapellet, Anders Larsensvej 6, Holbæk, lørdag d. 22. januar kl. 14.
Der er begrænset plads, og derfor inviterer familien de, der kan deltage i bisættelsen.
Der afholdes gravøl i Teater Fair Plays lokaler, Borchsvej 3, Holbæk , fra kl. 15.
Af hensyn til plads, mad og drikke bedes man tilmelde jer på rp@sjteater.dk  
Robert Parr skriver tilbage med bekræftelse, så længe der er plads.
Der vil være mulighed for at synge, tale og mindes i Michaels ånd.

Familien ønsker ikke blomster, men i stedet giver en donation til en humanitær organisation.