Creating Sensory Performances for Young People with Disabilities

Creating Sensory Performances for Young People with Disabilities

Kom til ASSITEJs workshop fredag den 10.januar 2025 kl. 14-16.30 i Siloen hos C:NTACT, Edisonsvej 10, 1856 Frederiksberg. Det er gratis for medlemmer og det bliver rigtig spændende – du er velkommen uanset om du er skuespiller, danser, koreograf, instruktør eller dramatiker. Du skal bare være indstillet på at komme ud gulvet og blive inspireret. Vær obs på at workshoppen foregår på engelsk.

Beskrivelse: Creating Sensory Performances for Young People with Disabilities
The smell of the forest, the heat radiating from an open fire, the exhilaration of dancing like you’re the only person in the room… In this practical workshop, we will explore ways of incorporating the sensorium into your performances and why this is vital in recognising the different ways our brains work.
We begin by looking at how our early visual and aural experiences form the blueprints of where we feel comfort and then we move into an exploration of how sensory storytelling can convey nuanced and rich narratives. Movement stimulates our vestibular and proprioceptive senses and helps develop motor functions. Therefore we will finish by looking at inclusive movement as a sensory experience and how physicality can be a vital component of creating accessible opportunities to engage with the performing arts.
The workshop is aimed at anyone with an interest in inclusive theatre and hopes to showcase how even a little sensory offer, like having a scent in your performance venue, can go a long way.
Læs mere om workshoppen på hjemmesiden