Aprilfestival 2020

Opstart: Så trådte Holbæk 2020-arbejdsgruppen sammen for første gang. Det skete i smukke og historiske omgivelser på Brorfelde Observatoriet ved Holbæk, hvor det traditionsrige 24t-møde blev afholdt. Vi glæder os alle sammen til at komme igang med at lave festival udi det sjællanske

“Drought And Abundance In Cape Town”

Søren Kløft from the Danish Theatre Centre wrote an interesting article about his impressions at Cradle of Creativity. Is has now been translated into English. Read it in the link.

Photo from ‘No Fun ction alL anguage’ by The Chaeli Campaign.


Danish TYA theatres are still touring all over the World..!

This is evident from a newly finished research among the member theatres of ASSITEJ Denmark, counting the international activity of the companies in 2014/15:

28 of the theatres did a total of 82 tours abroad in 32 countries, and the 54 different shows were presented 643 times ..!

The tours covered 6 continents, with a majority of shows in Europe (418 presentations in 21 countries), 124 presentations in Asia, 33 in Africa, 33 in Latin America, 21 in Australia and 14 in Northern America.
Very often (33 times) the companies have also given workshops and “after-talks” along with their guest plays, and 8 times companies have been co-producing with foreign companies.

It is several years ago ASSITEJ Denmark did a similar statistics – and we are happy to realize that Danish TYA is still a popular ingredience on the festivals out in the World…

Call from Cuba

“La Cruzada Teatral” is calling for performances for the 2016 edition.

La Cruzada is a very special and interesting theatre caravan for street theatre, which takes place each year in February in the rural areas of the eastern Cuba.

Read the call here: https://www.assitej.dk/sites/default/files/Call%20Cruzada%202016.pdf

If you need a translation and/or some general information in English, you can contact Louis Valente at the Danish ASSITEJ Secretariat. E-mail: lv@assitej.dk. Telephone +45 42747707