Tag et barn i teatret i dag!

Tag et barn i teatret i dag!

Den internationale verdensdag for scenekunst for børn og unge falder mandag d. 20 marts under titlen ”Take a Child to the Theatre, Today”.

Dagen markeres på mange måder verden over i forbindelse politiske initiativer, projekter og forestillinger.

ASSITEJ inviterer alle til på jeres sociale medier eller andetsteds,

  • At poste et billede af jer sig mens man oplever scenekunst sammen med et barn


  • Skrive et opslag om, hvorfor scenekunst for børn og unge er vigtigt.

Husk: markér opslaget med  #TakeaChildtotheTheatre

Vi har ikke tradition for at fejre denne dag i Danmark, bl.a. forbi den store markering af vores branche typisk udgøres af Aprilfestivalen.

Mens altså alligevel denne invitation!

Link til logo og World Day messages fra børn fra Ukraine og Iran

Ud i verden med ASSITEJ

Ud i verden med ASSITEJ

13 danske scenekunstnere var 17. – 22. februar på tur med ASSITEJ Danmark til Krokusfestival i Belgien.

Togturen frem og tilbage bragte gruppen tæt sammen, og var indgange til mange gode faglige snakke, og nye stærke relationer til danske og internationale kolleger. Programmet bestod af 17 forestillinger, aftertalks og en danske arrangere Walk & Talk.

De danske deltagere var Solveig Weinkouff (Teater Baglandet), Marianne Greve Iversen (Teatret Gruppe 38), Camilla Hübbe (Det Lille Teater), Mette Ovesen (Sceneinstruktør), Allan Grynnerup (Ishøj Teater), Sidsel Stoustrup (Parkteatret), Marion Vick (Teater Apropos), Marie Egetoft (teaterBLIK), Elisabeth Hübener (Syddjurs Egnsteater), Christine Gaski (Skuespiller), Lene Hummelshøj (skuespiller), Søren Ovesen (Teatergruppen Batida) og Ditte Felding (Teaterhuset Filuren).

Hele gruppen kan ses samlet på billedet til højre på Banegården i Hamborg på vej mod Belgien.

35 deltagere fra 10 forskellige lande deltog i den walk & talk ASSITEJ Danmark arrangerede under Krokusfestival.

Suggest international production for Bibu 2024 in Helsingborg

The international productions will be selected by the International Selection Committee consisting of three persons and the CEO for bibu.

If you would like to suggest a productions for Bibu 2024, submissions are only accepted through the fill in the form below. Applications must be submitted no later than November 30, 2023.

PLEASE  NOTE: bibu 2024 will have a Nordic-Baltic focus and will exclusively present shows from the area in question. Suggestions for shows from outside the stipulated region will not be considered. Co-productions with Swedish producers show be entered as Swedish productions. The Nordic-Baltic region consists of: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden.

Open Call for Researchers

Open Call for Researchers

Theatre & Performing Arts for Children & Young People (TYA)
Global, Advocacy-Focused Research
A Pilot


As part of the ‘Building Collective Resilience’ project (which is co-funded by the European Union), ASSITEJ International is seeking 4 lead researchers to help us collect and disseminate data, information, practices, ideas, and solutions around the themes of: Access to TYA, Dissemination of TYA, Diversity within TYA, and the Value of TYA.

The research is to be advocacy-focused and useful to ASSITEJ members, National Centres, International Networks, TYA practitioners, and the wider TYA community, being published on an open access basis. It is intended to be of reference for practitioners in their day-to-day working lives to, for example, boost advocacy initiatives and funding applications, offer opportunities for learning, and to foster networking and collaboration.

This multi-pronged research project is a pilot and ASSITEJ International hopes that the learnings from this first-round will enable the association to secure future funding towards further research.

This pilot research package is to be completed between now and 31st December 2024.


This open call seeks to appoint 4 lead-researchers to each lead 1 of the main streams of the research package. We are seeking help from:

  • Individual / independent researchers;
  • Named individuals at research institutions (including universities, research bodies, and research agencies);
  • Named individuals within the relevant practitioner field (including artists, management, and other creative professionals).

The research will be globally focused and researchers from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply. We particularly value applications from researchers who want to engage cross-nationally with ASSITEJ members across a diversity of the 75 countries where we are represented.

Research Streams

The research package is split into five streams – this open call is to appoint one research lead per stream (with the exception of Stream 4 – see note).

1) Quantitative Access Data – An international comparative quantitative study that explores which, and how many children and young people are currently accessing TYA by: (a) investigating, collating, and interpreting pre-existing data; and (b) defining, overseeing, and interpreting the collection of new data.

2) Dissemination / Engagement Case Studies – An international comparative series of case studies exploring the habits, mechanisms, and schemes through which children and young people engage with TYA.

3) Leadership Demographics – A study examining the extent of diversity of TYA sector professionals, particularly those holding leadership roles.

4) Small Size* – Research on how small children are perceived within the field of TYA.
*This research stream is being administered by the Small Size Network and this stream is NOT part of the current call but is included here for informational purposes.

5) Value of TYA – Collated evidence on the value of TYA that curates and synthesises the existing research from across the field.


Open Call Published:30th January 2023
Deadline for Applications:20:00 GMT 20th February 2023
(click here to see this in your time zone)
Interviews for Shortlisted Candidates:1st & 2nd March 2023
Appointment of Successful Candidates:3rd March 2023
(with an immediate start date)

Click Here To Download The Full Call

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Internationale gæster til Aprilfestival 2023 – dine forslag

Internationale gæster til Aprilfestival 2023 – dine forslag

ASSITEJ Danmark inviterer hvert år gæster til Aprilfestivalen, og inviterer sine medlemmer til at indstille forslag til, hvem vi skal invitere i 2023.

Deadline er 2. februar 2023.

Hvorfor er internationale gæster værdifulde? 

Danske børne-ungeteatre har typisk 500-600 opførelser om året uden for Danmarks grænser. Internationale besøg på Aprilfestival er den vigtigste ”motor” bag denne succes, og et centralt element i internationaliseringen af vores branche i det hele taget.

De internationale besøgende på Aprilfestival oplever danske forestillinger, knytter 1:1 relationer til jer, sår frø til fremtidige samarbejder, og bidrager til en internationalisering af samtalerne under festivalen.

Jeres forslag

Bestyrelsen og sekretariatet i ASSITEJ Danmark arbejder kontinuerligt på det relationsopbyggende arbejde og har mange kontakter ude i verden, som kommer i betragtning som gæster til festivalen. Samtidig har vi også brug for, at dem medlemmerne møder på deres turnéer, på festivalbesøg, igennem projekter mv. får muligheden for at blive inviteret, så de kan komme flere danske teatre til gode.

Styrken ved ASSITEJ som en netværksorganisation er netop, at de mange projekter og kontakter medlemmerne har kan bringes sammen og komme mange til gode.

Hvem kan blive inviteret?

Medlemmer kan stille forslag om en bred vifte af profiler. Det kan være kunstnere (dansere, skuespillere, musikere, instruktører, dramaturger, scenografer mv), teaterledere, festivalkuratorer, personer fra brancheorganisationer, forskere, formidlere, unge teaterinteresserede mv.  

Hvad dækker en invitation?

Når en gæst fra udlandet bliver inviteret af ASSITEJ Danmark, indeholder invitationen

  • Altid en Delegate Package (lokal transport, international dinner, hjælp og vejledning fra sekretariatet)
  • Ofte en eller flere overnatninger på hotel
  • I særlige tilfælde udgifter til international transport

Denne prioritering laves ud fra, hvor langt gæsterne rejser, deres egen mulighed for at finansiere besøget, og generelt hvordan midlerne kan bringe flest gæster til landet. Festivalen finder i år sted 21. – 23. april 2023 i Syddjurs Kommune.

Hvordan prioriteres ansøgningerne?

Bestyrelsen i ASSITEJ Danmark prioriterer forslagene til hvem, der skal inviteres.

Der lægges vægt på at de inviterede gæster

  • kan være til glæde bredt i miljøet
  • kan åbne døren til international turné for danske kompagnier
  • har potentialet til at igangsætte eller fortsætte spændende kunstneriske samarbejder
  • kan inspirere vores hjemlige faglige samtaler
  • opnår inspiration i mødet med danske scenekunst, der kan være til glæde for deres egen praksis
  • repræsenterer forskellige faglige profiler

Send dine forslag

I skal følge dette link for at indsende jeres forlag.

Deadline er 2. februar 2023

Spørgsmål kan stilles til Louis Valente fra sekretariatet: lv@assitej.dk, tlf.: 42747707

Det internationale besøgsprogram er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

Apply for new PhD in Theatre for Young Audiences!

There are significant gaps in the evidence currently available for understanding and evaluating the importance and value of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA). Candidates may choose a proposal that explores Theatre for Young Audiences, Applied Theatre, Youth Theatre, Theatre in Education, and/or Theatre Education (as well as other related fields).

Led by one of the leading researchers in the field, this 3-year PhD studentship will engage with existing external partnerships (both local and international) to: a) generate evidence to develop, test and refine frameworks for understanding the value of TYA; and, b) close the gaps in the evidence for this value.

It will be aligned with a current set of research work being conducted by ASSITEJ International through the ‘Theatre & Performing Arts for Young Audiences: Building Collective Resilience’ project which is co-funded by the European Union.

Applicants are invited to define the specific focus and scope in their proposal responding to this call. It is envisaged that within an overall mixed methods design, a case study approach (however developed) would provide for analytical depth while allowing for generalisable findings, though this may be revised in dialogue between the supervisor and the successful applicant.


  • This PhD studentship opportunity is titled, Evidencing Value in Theatre for Young Audiences;
    It is being offered by Ulster University in the United Kingdom, in partnership with ASSITEJ International;
  • International students from around the world are eligible to apply for the position and the connected funding;
  • Funding may be applied for that covers academic fees AND a subsistence stipend;
  • It may be possible to engage in this PhD remotely, without needing to relocate to the university campus in Northern Ireland;
  • The submission deadline is 27th February 2023;
  • The start date of the PhD is September 2023.

More Information

Further information, including funding and application details, can be found here.

Tom Maguire, Professor of Contemporary Drama and Performance at Ulster University and Chair of the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN), is also available to discuss potential applications should anyone want to contact him directly.

Ud i verden med ASSITEJ!

– Kunstnerisk inspiration og internationalt netværk på Krokusfestival i Belgien

Danske scenekunstnere der arbejder for børn og unge inviteres til at besøge den spændende Krokusfestival i Belgien fra d. 17. – 22. februar 2023.

Deadline for ansøgninger er 21. December 2022

På turen:

  • Ser du 10-15 forestillinger fra Belgien, Finland, Slovenien og Italien
  • Indgår i netværksmøder med festivalens internationale deltagere med udgangspunkt i din profil og interesser.
  • Deltager i festivalens fagprogram, aftertalks og festivalcafé.
  • Har god tid, til at tale med dine danske kolleger på togturen ud og hjem til Belgien.

Krokusfestival har eksisteret i 25 år i Hasselt, og viser et eksperimenterende repertoire af forestillinger, der ofte skubber til grænserne for den kunstneriske praksis inden for scenekunst for børn og unge. Festivalen er rettet mod lokalpublikummer, og er et af de centrale mødesteder for europæiske og globale fagfolk.


  • Tre fripladser til ustøttede kunstnere/kompagnier, medlemmer af ASSITEJ Danmark
  • For andre medlemmer af ASSITEJ Danmark: 2.000,- DKK
  • For ikke-medlemmer: 7.000,- DKK

Indeholdt i prisen er:

  • Tog ud og hjem
  • Enkeltværelse på festivalens hotel
  • Morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad.
  • Forestillingsbilletter

Afgang fredag d. 17.  (Fra Kbh. H.  kl. 08.56 / fra Aarhus H. kl. 09:39). Hjemkomst onsdag d. 22. (til Kbh H. kl. 21.34 / til Aarhus H. 21.50).

Ansøg om deltagelse

ASSITEJ Danmark støtter deltagelsen af 10 medlemmer.

Deadline: 21. Dec. 2022

Deaf artists in the world of live performance

ASSITEJ Coffee Session

7 December 2022

We are continuing the conversation on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in artistic collaboration, production and programming. ASSITEJ is pleased to welcome two great speakers: Bo Hårdell and Aurélien Mancino, from Teater 5005 (Denmark). They will present different historical and sociological elements concerning deafness. These different points of view raise questions about issues of accessibility and inclusion. Based on the framework of the UN International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, they will attempt to define the place that should be given to sign language and Deaf artists in the world of live performance.

Session A

7 December 2022, 10:00 am (CET)

Register for Session A

Session B

7 December 2022, 4:00 pm (CET)

Register for Session B

  Session Speakers
  Aurélien Mancino Graduated of a master’s degree in psychology, Aurélien Mancino has been working for more than fifteen years in the field of deafness in connection with clinical and cognitive psychology. Co-founder of the Cie ON OFF in 2008, a theater company in sign language, he participates in the development of various shows combining visual art, theatre, dance and sign language which have an influence nationally and internationally. Living in Denmark for some time, he now participates in the work of the deaf Danish theater company 5005. Their first project “Constellations” in international sign language and voice-over has participated in various festivals and is starting a tour soon.  
  Bo Hårdell  Bo Hårdell is an actor, Deaf and native Danish Sign Language speaker. With a degree in Lingustics and in Sign Language Interpreting and training in Acting he is committed and has professional experiences in the theatre field as well in sign language field. Today, he is director in newly started Teater5005.  

Global samtale om mangfoldighed

At sikre en større mangfoldighed i teater for børn og unge er et af de vigtigste emner i en dansk kontekst. I september afholdt ASSITEJ Danmark, Horsens Teaterfestival og Dansk Teater 300 År et velbesøgt seminar med dette emne. Nu kan alle interesserede fortsætte samtalen på globalt niveau i ASSITEJ Internationals Coffee Session d. 8. Nov. kl. 15.

Open Call: Babel or The Art of Listening in TYA

Open Calls: EU-projektet BABEL tilbyder festival residencies og training workshops

Babel – or The Art of Listening in TYA er et europæisk samarbejdsprojekt mellem 14 partnere, der ønsker at forfølge drømmen om kulturelt medborgerskab blandt børn og unge. BABEL vil udfolde og undersøge den interkulturelle dialog, kommunikation og fælles forståelsesramme i TYA og mere omfattende indenfor scenekunsterisk praksis for børn og unge.
BABEL søger ansøgere til 2 forskellige calls.

Deadline: 5. november 2022

Obs. De to Open Calls er på engelsk

Call 1: International Call for residencies for 16 Next Generation performing arts practitioners

BABEL is seeking proposals for participation and residency bursaries up to 500 EUR for 16 young artists and other young professionals within the framework of the Next Generation programme from ASSITEJ International. The artists and professionals selected will have the chance to interact with festival organising at different levels, to observe and participate in festival activities.

Call 2: International Call for for participation in training workshop 

BABEL is seeking performers to participate in ‘BABEL Creation Work Groups’ – training workshops – on the theme “The Art of Listening, the sensitive relationship between performer and child/adolescent spectator” during the performative act. The call programme entails training workshops during the 1st and 2nd rounds of creation work groups taking place at different Babel Squares (festivals) around Europe over the period of 2023-2024. 

2023: Vilnius (Lithuania), Breda (Netherlands), St. Vith (Belgium), Sabadell (Spain)
2024: Bologna (Italy), Denmark, Breda (Netherlands), Ljubljana (Slovenia)
January – November 2023 & March – September 2024